“Ride the wave of uncertainty by finding peace through meditation”, is an understanding I came to one evening as my wife Lynne sat debriefing the day.  She was expressing concern about the events of the day and how concerned she was.  “I guess we just have to learn to ride the wave of uncertainty “ captured perfect my sense of how to cope.  “Surf the wave”,  I added, acting out a man on a surfboard.

This post is about riding the wave of personal unfolding, national unfolding, collective consciousness unfolding, world unfolding, and solar system unfolding with the planets doing their astrological dance while we watch. Riding the wave and not getting knocked off the surfboard of our lives is something we all are going to have to learn to do.  We are living in difficult times.

The Times

As amateur astrologers, we pay attention to the dance of the planets as a metaphor for the times we are in.  From our quiet, peaceful home we are watching the birth pangs of the Age of Aquarius in amazement.   There is a national/global reality show on exhibit every night in our living room.  On our window to the world, our television set

Moment by moment, day by day, week by week. Incredibly dark sometimes, and light filled at other times.  Our Planetary dynamic unfolding as it should.  (Now that sounds heretical– “As it should”). I have my doubts about this idea at times but I keep coming back to it. It soothes my mind and lifts my soul.

It is What It Is

The obvious way to know that things are as they should be is because they are as they are.  It hasn’t turned out any other way but this way.  The “show” before us is the way the Universe is “turning out”, in its unfoldment.   And life is happening in this country the way it is because of our collective consciousness and unconsciousness.

The unfoldment of our collective consciousness and unconsciousness is happening in real-time. Along with our culture and our history.  Where we are is as far as we have come, evolutionarily.  We each have our individual view of what’s going on and what “should” be going on.  Our individual views get dumped into the mix. The color of paint we are painting with is the sum total color we have all contributed to it.

The Trajectory is Upward, Ever Upward

It’s dark right now.  Our collective dysfunctionality is unfolding perfectly.  As it should.  As it has to.  So that, I think, we transform and grow as a nation, as a species.  As individuals.  As as all of us.  This is the march of history.  Slowly and erratically onward on our path.  However, like any path, it has its difficulties.

Our species unfolding is in an ever-so-slow trajectory upward.  Winding and winding.  Circling back and circling forth, each time on a slightly higher plane.  When you live as long as I have, you begin to see the bigger picture of the moments strung together into days and into weeks and into months and into years and into a lifetime.

Ride the Wave of Uncertainty. Meditation Helps.

I’m glad I don’t suffer over it all so much anymore.  My longer view, and my ongoing meditative experience, lead me to conclude that nothing needs to be suffered over because it is all going to turn out.  Not how I could ever have imagined, but it does turn out.  My job becomes about staying centered.  In as high a state of awareness and peacefulness as I can reach. This is what I have to contribute.

Meditation helps.  I keep coming back and back to my Higher Consciousness.  My Awareness of Presence.  Out of the confluence of forces happening in Blair World.  The world I inhabit.  The world I help create.  And the world that creates me.

Relax and Recognize the Pattern

Hey, I might as well relax.  And enjoy the ride.  And be amazed at the story that is being told.  Day by day.  A reality show. “What’s going to happen in the next episode?”  Who knows?  Wait and see.  Take part as a co-creator.  Observe and participate in my own reality show.

The trick to riding the wave of uncertainty, I think, is to recognize the pattern.  Wave building up, wave crashing, wave subsiding, wave building back up again.  It helps to meditate on the cycles, the coming and going of the waves of the ocean.  And to not get dragged under by the undertow of daily events.

I observe them with great interest.  And keep the vibration of my personal energy elevated so that I can contribute upliftment to the whole.  And live my version of a human life from the most peaceful and impeccable place I can, for myself and for the whole.

Getting and staying peaceful helps all of that.  It calms my mind.  And engages the personal and collective Spirit.  It enables me to choose light rather than darkness. Spirit awakens and flows.  The hot mess cools.  The fevered temperature should begin to subside.

Conclusion.  The Pendulum

We cannot and will not let the darkness overwhelm us.  The pendulum will swing back eventually, and we’ll see the progress we’ve made. Individually and collectively.  Under duress.  Those who know meditation can ride the wave and not get sucked under.  I say this to myself from a place of mindfulness.   I remind myself to “Peace, be still” one of the mindfulness mantras I highlight in my book The Mindfulness Book.  And becoming so adds a drop of peace to the pond of outcome.  For me, for us, and for the Universe.

Blessed be.  This too shall pass.

What do you think?  Ride the wave of uncertainty with meditation?  How’s that going?  Has meditation helped?  Comment below.

And when you are ready:

  • Check out my chapter on Best Possible Outcomes in The Manifestation Book.
  • Learn to use the “Higher Consciousness Meditation” process in The Meditation Book to get quiet enough to allow Spirit to move.


Blair is an author, poet, YouTubist, and ordinary mystic His 5 award-winning book series are available at Amazon Books, and his YouTube videos at Blair Abee Higher Consciousness Channel.

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